Music & Art

Connecting to what you know, your mind, body, and soul with music, movement and so much more.

Open Mic Performances

Hosted an Open Mic with many artists including Brother Timothy Frantzich, Al Ynigues, Luke Bonde, Annie Schlaefer and more on December  2021 

Sing Out (community-style singing)  with Annie Schlaefer and Linnea Champ and Open Mic with many artists including Dave Dvorak, Al Ynigues, Luke Bonde, Adam Wolter, and more on August 28,  2022

Open Mic August 15, 2023 Part 1, Setup, Intro and give away with my songs and a few acts. To see the main show, please watch the next link.

Open Mic August 15, 2023 Part 2, with Riaz Khan, Robin Kutz, Kabir Khan, Amanda Roloson, Livia Lyons,  Porsha, Saad, Turza, and Riaz from (RK Vibes) and more.

Sea Others Foundation Open Mic Fundraiser Jan 21, 2024 (Complete Video)

Zoom Recording - (Missing the first 4 acts) Sea Others Foundation Open Mic Fundraiser Jan 21, 2024

Videos Made for Others 

Meg, David & Friends, 2024

Live Solo Performance

Stephanie Siddiqui's Touching Worlds Together performance (Music, Movement & More) with Community Celebration Concert 2022.

Lakeville's 4th annual celebration of the International Day of Living Together in Peace

Stephanie Siddiqui led Spirit United Service on December 2, 2023

Produced an Album

Producer, Editor, Video Creator/Editor & Album Cover & Flyer Artist for Sea Others Glow Album with Sea Others Foundation

Sea Others Glow Concert Recording 

Video YouTube Link & Please Subscribe to the Channel 

Click Here:

Original Songs by Stephanie Siddiqui 

If you enjoyed my music, please share and or  leave a tip.  Tip Jar:  Venmo @Stephanie-Siddiqui-1

Humanity First by Stephanie Siddiqui

Holding Space by Stephanie Siddiqui

What could be better than this? (Revision of Heart Check-In) by Stephanie Siddiqui

We Appear by Stephanie Siddiqui

All is Well by Stephanie Siddiqui

Remember to Breathe by Stephanie Siddiqui

Busy Bee Song by Stephanie Siddiqui

Reach for Hidden Stars Song by Stephanie Siddiqui

Share Hope by Stephanie Siddiqui

Heart Check-in by Stephanie Siddiqui

American Born Confused by Stephanie Siddiqui

Rember To Ask by Stephanie Siddiqui

Touching Worlds Together  by Stephanie Siddiqui

To Grow by Stephanie Siddiqui

Side by Side by Stephanie Siddiqui

Slow Down Listen by Stephanie Siddiqui

At Peace by Stephanie Siddiqui

Brave and Strong by Stephanie Siddiqui

Join the Show  by Stephanie Siddiqui

Sit Down to Chat by Stephanie Siddiqui

Original Photography by Stephanie Siddiqui 

Here are some photos to inspire you.  Please share and support local artists like me.  Tip Jar: Venmo: @Stephanie-Siddiqui-1