
Connecting to what you know, your mind, body, and soul with music, movement and so much more.

(In alphabetical order by section, )

Meditation & More

AIHM - Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (Free Lectures once a week)

Center for Nonviolence Communication

Collective Trauma Summit (Free Fall Summit Online - Poetry and Music)

Common Ground Meditation Center

Damo Mitchell - Microcosmic Orbit - 3/14 - Anchoring the Breath

Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing at U of MN (Free Class on Monday at 12 pm)

East Coast Mindfulness (Free Thursday Gathering at 11 AM CST)

Fibromyalgia, ME/CFS, and Related Conditions Support Group of MN   

George Wellbeing YMCA

Grateful Living 

Guilda -Free programs for people that have been touched by Cancer

Hay House (Books and Much More. Free Podcasts and Summits in Spring and Fall)

Hugh Byrne Website (Meditation)

Insight Timer (Some Free Classes and Membership)

Juniper (Free online for Seniors and people with Chronic Health Issues)

Meditation for multiple chemical sensitivities group 

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) (Meditation)

Minneapolis Theosophical Society 

Pathways North

 Perrin Technique: How to diagnose and treat CFS/ME and fibromyalgia via the lymphatic drainage of the brain (Book)

Perrin Technique Website

The Perrin Technique Self Massage  Short Routine for CFS/ME, Long COVID; osteopath Andy Breakspear YouTube Video

Qigong Connection (Free - phone call - a meditation group on T, TH & S)

Shift Network  (Online Classes with a Free Summit in Spring/Fall)

Sounds True Multimedia Publisher of Mindfulness Materials

Tara Bach Meditation

Tapping Solution and Summit (Emotional Freedom Technique) (Free in February)

Qi Breathing by Mind Body Science Institute 

Wisdom Ways

Healing Frequency Sounds:

Rewire Your Brain | Activate 100 % Brain Power | Brain Healing Sounds | Alpha Waves | 432 Hz

Alpha Waves | Improve Your Memory | Super Intelligence

Alpha Wave Brain Massage, Proven Healing Sound Wave, 100% Effective, Regeneration Aging Cells

432Hz- Alpha Waves Restore the Whole Body, Emotional And Physical Healing - Meditation Music

528hz, Miracle Tone, Dna Repair & Healing, Nerve And Cell Regeneration, Complete Body Healing

[Full Recovery] Whole Body Rejuvenation While Sleeping Alpha Waves Healing and DNA Regeneration

Full Body Healing Frequencies (528Hz) - Alpha Waves Massage The Whole Body, Regeneration Aging Cells

Singing Communities 

Conie Borchardt Sing Outs Mpls & online on Mondays & more (Partners up with Liz):

Heather Houston in CA but does a lot online with major song leaders, visit her website:

Linnea and Annie Singing Community in Mpls either on a Tuesday or Wednesdays PM and many events,  please email her at for upcoming events. 

Liz Anderson Sing Out Mpls 1st &  3rd Sundays AM  & more (Partners up with Conie).  Please email to get info on upcoming events.

Liz Rog (Decorah, IA) Offers Singing retreats and many other offerings. Get on her newsletter:

Perfection Free Singing with Brother Timothy Frantzich in Minneapolis or Minnetonka, Most Saturdays at 9:45 AM or 10 AM or Thursday. Updates on Facebook. For more, website:

Sarina Partridge in Minneapolis.   Many offerings.  Sign up for her email list:

Singing in the Valley with Lia Falls and Barbara Mcafee St Croix Falls, WI area on some Sundays, Retreats, virtual offerings... Please email them both as they booth have amazing offerings: and

Sing and Share Freely with Stephanie Siddiqui once a month online on Wednesdays  at 12:30 PM at Pathways Minneapolis or email

We Belong Community with Lyndsey Scott online and in different places. Lives in Central IL.  Join her Facebook group or Email her at:

Zikr with John Hakim and Karima Nur on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings in person and online.  Email

Virtual Open Mic with Leah Robshaw Robinson every Monday from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM CST Email

Confidence In Singing Aideen Online program and vocal summit.  

Most 3rd Wednesday at Open Book but email first to confirm: 

Songs to Sing

All is Well - Stephanie Siddiqui

Angel song by Meg Miura and David R Chapman

Armor- Ahlay Blakely 

As I Relax ~ Lyndsey Scott.

At Peace - Stephanie Siddiqui

Be Open - Debbie Nargi-Brown

Be Watcha Gonna Be- Sarah Nutting (of Mamuse)

Busy Bee - Stephanie Siddiqui

Come, come whoever you are* (Rumi/Dale Zola)

Down to the Well - Sarina Patridge

Eel River- Meredith Buck

E Malama

Every Little Cell

Forget your Perfect Offering Laurence Cole (lyrics from Leonard Cohen)

Gather your Resilience - Shireen Amini

Gather/ We are not alone ~ Joanna Laws Landis

Gonna Let Life Move Me

Good Friend (Jan Harmon of Libana) - led by Nancy 

Hallow Bamboo

Heart flies open,

I am me

I did not come here alone (The Peace Poets) 

I Love Every Single Part of You- Sarah Burgess

I wanna Sing Medley - African Medley

I wish that I could show you - Barbara McAfee 

In this Circle No Fear - Joan McMillan

Kabir as sung to a tune by Jodi Healey

Keep on Moving Forward

Keep Walking ~ Lyndsey Scott

Life Is - Annie Zylstra

Loosen Loosen

Maggie Wheeler Video 

May I Be Open- Heather Pierson

Move On- Karly Loveling 

Moving Forward - Emma’s Revolution

Nice Cup of Tea

Not a Lone Wolf- Aimee Ringle and Steph Drouin

Oh River- Mamuse

One by one

Only in Silence

PLZ PLZ Universal Soul ~ Lyndsey Scott

Put my Roots Down

Reach for Hidden Stars - Stephanie Siddiqui

Remember to Breathe - Stephanie SIddiqui

September Moon- Chandler Yorkhall

Side by Side - Stephanie Siddiqui

Slow Down. Listen - Stephanie Siddiqui

Solid ground 

Stone by Stone, Tear by tear - Taya Ma

Spring is Here

The Way by Lyndsey Scott

Tower of Strength

Touching Worlds Together Stephanie Siddiqui

Turning Wheel

Walk the Way

We Are Weaving our Lives- Alexa Sunshine Rose 

We Were Made for These Times - Linda Noonan

When you were Born you Cried

Wisdom in My Bones

Work to be Done

Please Check Out: 

Lynn O'Brien Inspiring Songs

Barbara Music Resources

Liz Digitale Anderson Set Song List

Music that Makes Community

Sarina Partridge 

Conscious Nitric Oxide Humming Andi & Jonathan Goldman 

Ann Reed and Dan Chouinard Sing-Along

Dances of Universal Peace

The Bird Sings 

Music That Makes Community 

Song Seed Singing with Sarina Patridge

Song for the Great Turning 

Thres Hold Choir 

Valuable Resources Links

Pathways Minneapolis Resource Page (Healing Resources)

Sea Others Resource Page (Human Servies Resources)

Free Lending Library  

 Please fill out a form and email me please.

Why a Free Tai Chi/Qigong Lending Library?  Public libraries will buy the items when requested but if they are not rented frequently, the library rarely keeps them.  I came up with this lending system in 2017 after hearing concerns about students who wanted to rent items.

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